• my holistic health journey as a PTSD / FND patient

    FND patients like myself are uniquely incentivised to challenge our existing understanding of neuroscience, and the commonly held beliefs of our current medical paradigm.

    Your unique experience is your superpower! Redefine adversity: from disability to opportunity!

  • A Call To Action: Harnessing resilience + Recovery

    We are unified now more than ever in the necessity for technology to serve our resilience and holistic health. A new medical paradigm requires independence from our current failing systems and lack of resources for trauma - we must become our own renewable resource of self-sustaining health and homeostasis. Learn more about how our holistic tools can be applied in response to covid-19.

  • teach your ancient brain new tricks + redefine possibility

    With a beginner's mind, we are constantly evolving our idea of 'what is possible...'

    No matter where you are starting from, you can always choose to rewrite your life's  narrative using the power of neuroplasticity.


ancient practice + modern technology

Full-spectrum wellness found using safe & effective holistic tools – validated with modern science. Unlock your unlimited potential by cultivating a customized toolkit to honor, celebrate & balance your unique system. Tune in to your intuition & discover the alchemy of mind/body/soul alignment

scroll down to learn more

learn how you can
teach your ancient brain new tricks
to balance & restore your unlimited potential

redefine possibility

Transformation is always possible.

Our reality is subjective and perceived, thus we are intrinsically beings of unlimited potential.

Your brain is like a super-computer, and your consciousness is like the software you are running. To run optimally, we must update our software (and balance our system) with conscious, mindfulness-based practices, or our software (perception of reality) will become outdated. Your brain is hardwired with a connection to intuition: nature’s re-calibration tool.

What if, what you consciously define as your reality, is just the tip of the iceberg…

Our subconscious mind is 95% responsible for our automatic thoughts, beliefs, and actions – how we define reality and what we believe is ‘possible.’ That’s like if you thought reality was the size of your zoom screen – only to realize there is a whole home beyond the isolated perspective of our camera! Can you connect to the feeling of ‘awe’ that you’d experience if you thought reality was confined to a zoom screen? Our thoughts are collected in the home of our subconscious – it is never ‘off’ and registers all of our thoughts and emotional reactions. What seeds are you planting in this fertile soil?

We are all on a path of transformation – the outcome is your decision.

We may hear the call to action, but feel stuck in an old story, often ‘defined’ by our conditions or habitual thinking. Even if we know what we want to change, we often lack the willingness or tools to make a substantial impact in transforming our daily lives. The key is accessing the subconscious mind to make difficult behavior or attitude change second nature. 

You can teach your ancient brain new tricks. 

Like any of our neural connections, we strengthen our brain’s hardwired connections with repeated intentional action (practice.) Mindfulness practices will restore your innate intuitive wisdom, so you can have the confidence to trust yourself, and dissolve dependance on external systems.

Our thoughts dictate our choices and behaviors, which dictate who we are becoming chemically, physically, and emotionally. Like an instrument, our individual systems may become out of tune – and can also be brought back in-tune with our natural state of harmony and wellbeing. No matter where you are, unlimited change is possible if we can find the willingness to let go and reprogram what thoughts and behaviors are no longer aligned with our highest potential. We are designed to thrive, and often we simply need to get out of our own way to allow our intuitive consciousness to emerge. It is never too late to change our beliefs, behaviors, and reality to find greater holistic wellbeing.

Discover ‘personalized autonomy’ using customized tools and practices that resonate with your unique system, meet you exactly where you are, and bring you into alignment with your highest potential.

the 8 year journey to my successful fnd diagnosis


Fighting nearly a decade of accusations, injustice, and invalidation, my holistic journey has finally pivoted to a path of true recovery: from life-threatening misdiagnosis to life-changing diagnosis of FND. Finally, I found a treatment team that called my honesty and desire to heal ‘courageous’ instead of ‘crazy.’

I’ve learned that we must be our own hero and define the reality we desire; everything begins with your belief in your own potential – or at minimum, the belief that no matter how others define you, you can always choose to redefine your reality and transform adversity into opportunity.


I believe health and wellness are your human right: we should be able to seek treatment with the expectation of safe effective resources, not fear of trauma. We must believe in the unlimited power of human potential, and believe we can trust ourselves, to reconnect to our intuition and the healer within us all. 

Trusting ourselves gives us necessary confidence to move away from a fear-based society, rooted in distrust and paranoia, and instead foster trust each other, rooted in pronoia, or the belief that you can consciously choose to tap into the natural flow of the universe  – which supports abundance, thriving, and unlimited possibility to reach your highest potential.

After over 8 years of unsuccessfully seeking answers to the cause of my unexplained neurological and physical symptoms, only as recently as June 2021 (the seemingly impossible has become reality!) I finally found a treatment team that redefined my patient experience – from complete invalidation to complete validation: HOW?
  • by seeking a treatment team that values both the necessary cutting-edge neuroscience research and education, in combination with a holistic, collaborative treatment approach, resulting in an effective (and remarkably positive & transformative) diagnosis, which can finally medically explain and scientifically connect all the previously unexplained pieces of Jessica’s complex medical puzzle.

my medical diagnosis timeline (summary)

This example highlights how only after enough time for severe damage to occur, could our siloed specialty medical system intervene. I had been seeing neurologists since 2015 complaining about consistently inconsistent symptoms that only in January of 2021 were validated by MRI. From 2015-2021, I was told repeatedly my severe and debilitating symptoms were in my head, and a result of anxiety.

  • I was only getting sicker seeking specialists within our medical system. I was triggered and consumed with fear being told repeatedly how disabled I’d become, with no option other than invasive spine surgery. 

  • Within the last 2+ months of continued practice, I now firmly believe I have a real chance at avoiding surgery, based on how my body has already structurally begun to realign, by resolving the root issue of my symptoms.

  • I have said numerous times in disbelief through this experience, that witnessing my body’s transformation and receiving such specific intuitive guidance (that was immediately effective) has been more surreal than any psychedelic experience I’ve had. It has taken daily dedication, but I’m achieving unimaginable results in less time than it usually takes me to schedule an appointment with any specialist when seeking help from our medical system that is consistently at best, inconclusive, and at worst retraumatizing, discouraging, and damaging.

  • Once again, I understood the burden of proof was on me to defend my hypothesis; realizing validation would only be attained and the minds changed of my treatment team, once I’d proven that my ancient practices like breath, nutrition, and mindfulness, and modern technology like Lucia N03, had successfully put my health back in my hands, allowing me to find my accurate diagnosis and effective (holistic) treatment solutions. 

  • I myself, had no idea how much of my body was actually full of uncirculating lymph, until the light had literally changed the density of the toxins, releasing my fascia and providing the necessary cellular energy to move the stagnation.

  • Over the following weeks, I used many holistic practices like breath, massage, mineral baths, light, and compression to assist recirculating and detoxifying my body. I cannot overstate how shocking this transformation has been, as I witness what I had misperceived (as did doctors) as bone, skull, vertebrae, was all, in fact, actually a hardened, essentially  layer of toxins sitting beneath my skin. I was so full of toxins that medical practitioners never felt my swollen lymph nodes as they expected, instead only seeing and feeling a surface of homogenous toxins and fascia constricted so tightly, the combination felt like bone.

  • This also exemplifies what I mean when I say we are beings of energy, and our cells communicate using the language of nature: light and frequency. with FND, the energy signals (neural connections) you brain relies on to create a ‘coherent sense of self’ are malfunctioning, thus distorting your brain’s conception of reality.  Likewise, this illuminates the incredible power of accessing the subconscious mind via the hypnagogic state, to promote self-healing that transcends mindful intention on a cellular level. 

  • Our neurons communicate with energy, which is how trauma and triggers induced seizures in me previously, and why Lucia N03 can effectively restart and regulate communication between brain and body. Physically, our skin is the largest organ of our body, and thus a powerful vehicle for healing; we have photoreceptor cells throughout the entire body, capable of absorbing healing light to restore cellular function and the proper flow of energy throughout the system.

  • I have since attended a lymph seminar where I learned light therapy is a validated healing modality for the lymphatic system, explaining my success. I did not anticipate the Lucia light to be a catalyst for such drastic transformation; initially on a physical level I was just hoping for pain reduction. 

Ultimately, I felt I had wasted months of valuable time, money, energy, health, and vitality drained as a result of seeking treatment from our existing suppressive and demeaning medical system. However, I believe in pronoia – that the universe is naturally working to create opportunity to thrive; I have since reframed my disappointment as a potential necessary step in my greater evolution. I believe that I have not only re-instilled a strengthened belief in my own ability to achieve medical agency, I have also accessed a potentially pivotal resource (enrolling in the Stanford Trauma Clinic) to heal my PTSD (I  intend to illuminate Stanford to Lucia N03 as a substance-free alternative to psycholysis, as they currently do not have the resources to offer psychedelic therapy within their trauma center.)

If I had not experienced this firsthand, I would not know how to believe it: I cannot overstate the importance of faith in this experience: I had no vision of how I’d achieve results, but I knew, once again, there was an answer not yet found that would resonate with my experience, and lead to healing. With incredible pressure and dismissal by the leading neurologists in the country, I had to find the confidence in myself to KNOW these symptoms were real, and not a result of me being a rare or extreme patient.

The diagnosis is called ‘FND’ or functional neurological disorder – a notoriously misunderstood yet very real condition. Commonly found in patients like Jessica who have a history of trauma and dissociation, FND can present with a wide range of neurological symptoms, all mimicking common neurological diseases such as MS and epilepsy -like these disorders, FND symptoms are very real and similarly impact a patient’s ability and quality of life; yet unlike these conditions, the scans and tests done on a patient with FND will be inconclusive, as they resemble a ‘healthy’ patient, therefore easily leading clinicians to believe the symptoms reported are ‘not real’ or faked.

[Simply put, if we use the analogy of our brain as a computer, while diseases like MS are a ‘hardware’ problem, FND is a ‘software’ problem – meaning there is a glitch in the the software code, which dictates the programming responsible for how the brain and body (nervous system) interact. It is various forms of traumatic experience that manifest physically, as a result of miscommunication between the fight/flight stress response center and the motor function center of the brain, as trauma ‘rewrites’ the original programming code with ‘glitches’, resulting in physical automatic responses to the brain’s overactive signaling, which are then compounded by a decreased ability to regulate these overactive areas once they are ‘triggered’ into communicating.]

FND was originally diagnosed by hypocrites using the term ‘hysteria’, and unfortunately this detrimental stigma continues to pervade the present day medical community. Far too frequently patients with FND have experiences that mirror Jessica’s: where the patient is left with the misperception there is no hope for answers, much less effective treatment, commonly traumatized as a result of systemic dismissal while seeking help, often resulting in additional medical complications. Originally it was clinically believed this ‘hysteria’ diagnosis could only occur in women, but the medical community has since been forced to update the perception and definition of FND, as it has become rampant in the veteran community presenting in all genders as an emerging form of PTSD at epidemic levels. 

medicalized: the trauma of seeking treatment

MY connection to veterans


THE trauma of seeking treatment for ptsd(my veteran connection summary)

Even properly diagnosed with PTSD, often patients like myself with significant PTSD suffered and were often worse off than before treatment, because our current mental health system alienates and suppresses trauma instead of rehabilitating those with PTSD. (my experience was mainly with veterans – though I believe all mental illness is often rooted in trauma.) 

This is my experience creating authentic bonds with VA members in battle together for 13 months seeking access to fair & effective treatment:

  • My treatment program was the ‘sister program’ to the VA in Yountville, as their on-campus program was very small and likewise under-resourced. I believe their program could hold 6-8 patients max, and all other veterans in need of an outpatient program came to my program.

I believe this also resonates with a juicy and controversial topic baited in a recent podcast interview: 

‘Do you need to be a veteran to have ‘real PTSD?’…’

  • One of my closest friends from the VA Michael and I witnessed someone recklessly drive under a semi-truck one morning on the way to treatment – the event happened directly in front of us while we were stopped at a light; Michael, the taxi driver, and myself, witnessed 2 people die on impact. 

    • So do you need to stand (or sit) beside a fellow veteran and watch someone lose their life to have ‘real PTSD?’ Witnessing two people lose their life traumatically not 20 feet away was an authentic ‘foxhole experience.’ 

      • If this provides the necessary validity for some, I don’t think our circumstances could have achieved a much closer experience to that of a bond formed in battle together. I know the veterans embraced me as their own, and ultimately that’s the only judgement I’m concerned with!

  • I was furious at my program for not being allowed to process my trauma in group or individually, while most everyone with PTSD was – but my family and I were not confident that I’d really be better off leaving the program completely.

  • My fellow friend and patient Michael became so fed up with our suppression and neglect from the staff that he jokingly fantasized about taking revenge on the program; staff had judged him harshly and he feared they’d kick him out.

continue to full story


We are currently failing to meet epidemic levels of trauma, PTSD, and FND with access to safe and effective treatment options – BEFORE the surge of demand created as a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic.

it is now my life’s purpose to take the tools I’ve cultivated since leaving treatment on a mission to find solutions – let’s connect and combine forces so we may validate the efficacy of my healing modalities using veterans in clinical study – so we may create access to an abundance of opportunities to rewire trauma – reminding all those suffering in the present moment of the potential for health and wellbeing that awaits.

understanding trauma & fnd

[Simply put, if we use the analogy of our brain as a computer, while diseases like MS are a ‘hardware’ problem, FND is a ‘software’ problem – meaning there is a glitch in the the software code, which dictates the programming responsible for how the brain and body (nervous system) interact. It is various forms of traumatic experience that manifest physically, as a result of miscommunication between the fight/flight stress response center and the motor function center of the brain, as trauma ‘rewrites’ the original programming code with ‘glitches’, resulting in physical automatic responses to the brain’s overactive signaling, which are then compounded by a decreased ability to regulate these overactive areas once they are ‘triggered’ into communicating.]

FND was originally diagnosed by hypocrites using the term ‘hysteria’, and unfortunately this detrimental stigma continues to pervade the present day medical community. Far too frequently patients with FND have experiences that mirror Jessica’s: where the patient is left with the misperception there is no hope for answers, much less effective treatment, commonly traumatized as a result of systemic dismissal while seeking help, often resulting in additional medical complications. 

Originally it was clinically believed this ‘hysteria’ diagnosis could only occur in women, but the medical community has since been forced to update the perception and definition of FND, as it has become rampant in the veteran community presenting in all genders as an emerging form of PTSD at epidemic levels. 

redefine your experience: from disability to opportunity

the gift of fnd

how fnd patients are evolving neuroscience & healthcare

FND patients are uniquely incentivised to challenge our existing understanding of neuroscience, and the commonly held beliefs of our current medical paradigm. This is due to the necessity for answers: an ability to explain our ‘unexplainable’ condition. It begins with rejecting the idea that we are ‘a complete anomaly’ and ‘unexplainable by science.’ When FND patients can no longer rely on the knowledge of specialists and existing conventional education, they have two choices: settle for suffering, or seek higher education. 

I, like many, wa a patient that refused to believe there ‘were no answers,’ but more likely, we had not yet asked the right questions. Challenging conventional neuroscience has many hurdles, but ultimately, it is the incentive to attain a life worth living that fuels an unconventional desire to expand the boundaries of currently held belief. The journey to an eventual FND diagnosis, for most, is rooted in the quest to explain the unexplainable, and to achieve ‘the impossible.’ Beyond the progress in the study of neuroscience we may contribute, I believe by changing the minds of practitioners and their deeply ingrained belief system FND patients prove that it is possible to redefine reality and what we previously believed was ‘impossible.’ This inspiration to challenge limiting beliefs, coupled with the lessons learned about the necessity for compassionate care, ultimately sets a new precedent in the medical paradigm demanding respect between patient and practitioner to ensure treatment safety and efficacy.

FND patients can teach us about our innate human potential to summon resilience in the face of adversity. No matter what your diagnosis, ALL human brains have an intimate mind-body connection, and the mindfulness tools & techniques used to treat FND will benefit any brain/body system for optimal homeostasis. FND evolves our understanding of the mind-body connection, and illuminates the importance of honoring individual subjective experience, as well as a need for personalized, holistic treatment protocols. 

FND patients are required to continuously summon a beginner’s mind, and remain malleable in our definition of both reality and possibility. Like how Covid-19 has demanded resilience, it is when we are challenged to adapt that we realize our true potential as we encourage creative connections in search of solutions. Evolution requires challenge as well as the willingness to adapt. No matter the root of your adversity, I hope to inspire a shift in perception: redefining your adversity as your opportunity for transformation. Your circumstance does not define you, and likewise, no one defines you EXCEPT YOU. If you believe in unlimited possibility, there is room for your reality to be transformed. Each present moment is an opportunity we can choose to consciously plant seeds of intention and thus define our reality!

Lucia N°03

Meet the substance-free ‘techdelic’ here to illuminate consciousness & elevate human potential.

Areas of Focus

Dive deeper into what science can now validate using modern technology, clarifying what ancient practices have intuitively understood - this also means we can leverage technology to make holistic health easier, more effective, and optionally, substance-free.

The Neuroscience of Intuition, Mindfulness & Spiritual Experience

Substance-Free Altered State of Consciousness & Neuropsychology

Frequency Healing &

Sacred Plants, Herbs & Adaptogens

Sacred Geometry

Psychedelic Science

Wearable Technology for Personal Autonomy



Meet Jessica

From pastry chef to prana and sacred cacao ceremony, I have redefined my reality out of necessity, using tools of resiliency. I am here now to illuminate your intuitive path with wisdom gathered on my road of rediscovery.

I hope to help you find JOY in your JOurneY!

Brought to the light in the wake of a near-death experience (NDE), I feel blessed to have found my true path as a Lucia N°03 light guide, working to elevate the human experience with technology inspired by NDE. Previously my applied science and “clinical trials” were in the kitchen using molecular gastronomy; the trajectory of my life path turned when I started looking for answers outside of myself. I, like so many, had a breakdown, ignored my intuition and was consequently misdiagnosed, improperly medicated, and nearly lost my life to medical malpractice. My life path became a mission to bring myself into ease and out of dis-ease by discovering self-empowerment through safe, effective, holistic healing modalities.

Through yoga I was introduced to Lucia N°03; in combination with plant medicines & psychedelic therapy, these tools encouraged the neuroplasticity necessary to effectively reprogram and heal my damaged system. My soul purpose has evolved to provide perception expanding experiences so that we all may achieve wellbeing and autonomy. I assist others in becoming the agents of their own healing by facilitating experiences rooted in mindful self-exploration and connection to intuition. 


I offer tools and teachings that have led me out of darkness into the brilliant present moment, the same tools I use to sculpt my exponential future. These tools allowed me to quit pharmaceutical medication, quit 12+ years nicotine addiction, and begin to reverse chronic illness. I, like you, am a work in process – but the trajectory of our journey lies in our ability to believe in possibility. 

Now is the time to tune in to your intuition and feed the warrior within, so we may show up as who we are meant to be and fulfil our true purpose. Humanity needs the unique gift that is you.

Western medicine has appropriate and inappropriate applications. I’ve realized through experience we cannot expect a system equipped for emergency trauma to heal our holistic health. We cannot dissect ourselves and be summarized or defined by our symptoms – especially in the hands of a burdened system. 

My mission to heal our medical system began when I watched the healthcare system save my father after a pulmonary embolism, only to nearly kill him, then abandon him disabled by accidentally prescribing 3x a lethal dose of blood-thinners. The doctors were almost unable to contain their excitement at the opportunity to operate on a medical marvel: we were told he had less than 0.01% to survive, and even if he did, he would be a vegetable. He was taken off life support; he came back to life the next day. In the wake of this miracle, we were still continuously dissuaded from believing in his recovery – the hospital wouldn’t provide him with physical therapy or resources to heal, because they pre-defined him as permanently disabled and ‘hopeless.’ My father came out of his coma and craniotomies believing firmly he would fully recover – even I thought he was delusional. I fought for his right to recovery, and under proper treatment (encouragement to heal) he has now made a complete recovery, living as an independent fully-functioning and contributing member of society.

I willingly entered our healthcare system seeking help, unaware I was manifesting PTSD as dissociation, and mistaking the experience for a mental disorder; I became misdiagnosed, and came out of treatment burdening the system as a diseased, disabled, dependant adult – in greater danger of destruction inside the system vs. on my own without treatment. I was judged by a false mental illness diagnosis – only further exacerbating my actual PTSD. I was s dismissed and told my symptoms were ‘in my head.’ By the time I had finally been diagnosed with diabetes my blood sugar was estimated near 1000 (10x a normal blood glucose level) for 1-3 months. In the face of simultaneous traumas I’d become desperate for help, ‘medicalized’ and lost to a broken healthcare system. When I realized the same pharmaceutical company now created the insulin I depended on, also having created the pharmaceutical catalysts that nearly cost me my life, I felt like a pawn for profit. I now prioritize accessibility to safe, holistic modalities to illuminate patient agency, as I understand what it means to be dependant on Medicare (to pay for my inexcusably cost-prohibitive diabetes supplies.)

The only way I was able to educate my treatment team in proving I had been misdiagnosed (that my symptoms did not define my potential, and that they were in fact a result of medication, trauma, and undiagnosed  diabetes,) was by becoming my own n=1 study, armed with a copy of the DSM, using my diabetic wearable technology to validate my hypothesis. Not only did I learn how nearly impossible it is to be both suffering and an advocate for your health, I learned what it takes to redefine the potential of a patient once embedded in our system (it isn’t easy.)

In my experience as a patient in notoriously underprivileged Vallejo,  California, I witnessed incredible trauma, racism, and injustice.

Due to many advantages and opportunities I am blessed to be afforded, I was able to seek and access alternative methods of healing – now it is time to return to the nutrient-deficient soil I left behind, to plant the roots of a new (healing) medical paradigm.

We continue to do harm to those suffering and seeking help, only deteriorating the hippocratic oath once taken with good intent – what we have is a hypocritical (underfunded) failing infrastructure. I am dedicate to focusing my regained energy into rejuvenating the soil of our medical system, instead of fighting with the frustration of my individual experience.

I have treatment resistant PTSD, and as a result of seeking treatment, was blessed to become very close with many veterans in my program. I witnessed and experienced firsthand how truly misunderstood PTSD is, and the necessity for accessible, effective treatment options. The veterans and myself bonded in turmoil over the damaging truth that we were continuously denied an opportunity to process our trauma, because essentially the treatment staff was afraid of opening pandora’s box. I witnessed how most with PTSD, like myself, left treatment in many ways more damaged or re-traumatized than when they came in as a result.

2017-2018: In treatment I shared transportation with and became especially bonded to our veterans who lived at the VHC-Yountville – the largest veteran home in the US, where the hostage tragedy of 2018 occured (illuminating the necessity for effective treatment options, and unfortunately how hopeless so many are in treatment.) I was in treatment at this time – we had just arrested and rejected a veteran from treatment (a misunderstood and dear friend of mine.) Notoriously dismissed by the treatment staff, he had  clearly been gaslit and triggered. I saw his humor, his jaw-dropping skill as an artist, and his true nature – stuck in a constant state of trauma – his situation was a set up for failure. I, too, have been arrested after being gaslit and my PTSD triggered, once again only becoming retraumatized. The tragedy in our program on the heels of the tragic hostage situation in Yountville, became my catalysts for action: I left my treatment in search of effective options; the universe sent me few options but one angel: Wess, a veteran that had just moved out of the VHC Yountville. He quickly became a grandfather figure that gave me the support I needed as I found the courage to leave my failing program. He shared with me his experience of how the VA is failing our veterans, and has since tragically passed as a result of complications incurred in battle and underserved by our medical system once home. A true hero and angel, my heart’s honor is in service to Wess and all the true heroes that I met through the VA – some of the hardest fighting and most marginalized patients in my treatment. 

I am organizing US research to replicate the global studies that have been conducted validating our technology Lucia N°03 as a substance-free psychedelic – to further explore our substance-free alternative to the incredible foundation established by mavericks such as MAPS in the US, proving clinical efficacy of MDMA as a ‘breakthrough treatment’ as designated by the FDA for the use treatment of PTSD. To facilitate research, I am forming a NPO, where my goal is to serve underserved populations such as senior veterans as our target population for feasibility studies, so we may effectively serve our US veterans and global mental health crisis. 

Ancient wisdom and modern science have a vast array of potent tools to add to your holistic tool belt, many of which are often not taught or discussed in Western medicine (though I believe we are on the perspicuous of change – a sort of systemic neuroplastic silver-lining as a result of the opioid crisis.) Our system does not educate Western physicians to our innate ability to return to homeostasis, or the impact of lifestyle variables on holistic health such as nutrition, exercise, and consciousness. I seek to replace our reflex to prescribe medication with education to safe, holistic modalities, so we may be agents of our own healing.

By becoming an ambassador of my experience, I hope to serve as a cautionary tale, as well as source of inspiration for anyone seeking to fulfil their unlimited potential, to believe in the impossible, rooted in believe in yourself – that it is our human nature to be beings of unlimited adaptation and transformation. I seek to serve in scientifically validating a new medical paradigm, prioritizing personalized holistic modalities, practitioner ethics and education –  serving as an advocate for those without the resources and opportunities I was afforded in regaining my life and freedom. 

for those ready to

be the hero of your own journey:​

A new holistic paradigm requires independence from our current failing systems and lack of resources - we must become our own renewable resource of self-sustaining health and homeostasis.

What if I told you the most potent healing and restoration of self can only come from within you? It is human nature to become out of balance - but would you be willing to believe no medication, healer, or scientist could balance your system better than you can? What if the reality you seek could come into alignment by intentionally dictating that reality into being?

Manifestation is as real as the placebo (or no-cebo) effect: we co-create our reality, rooted in our mind's belief system. Your body can literally become its own pharmacy, and like healing a cut, it knows how to heal your system, if it is provided the correct environment (the parasympathetic state.) Your toxic thoughts and emotions likewise impact us on a cellular level, which we can validate with wearable technology. The science of epigenetics teaches us even your genetic code does not pre-define you - we are both creatures of habit and malleable beings of limitless possibility.

We are often lead to believe we must rely on external systems to make us whole - the universal reality is, our natural state is to be whole and in perfect balance, and all that is required to begin exponential transformation is the conscious decision to plant seeds of intention.

Align to a harmonic state where we can rediscover our true nature: a resonant state of wellbeing & unlimited potential.

I have compassion for many forms of suffering, and know what it is to feel hopeless. I’ve witnessed incredible trauma and miraculous healings. I’ve come from a place of turmoil and self-harm, to a place of empowerment, advocacy, and transformation once defined as ‘impossible.’

Your life is not pre-defined, and only you can define it. You are not defined by your circumstances. We can consciously leave room to believe in the impossible – and create space for unbelievable transformation.

Are you looking for a way to let go of fear, anxiety, or dis-ease? 

Do you wish daily stress could have an off-switch?
Even better, what if you could activate a ‘release and repair’ button?

Do you feel out of tune with your true nature? Are you seeking to illuminate consciousness, and resurrect meaningful thought and action in your life?

Do you seek tools to welcome yourself back home, to excavate your authentic self, and live at your highest potential? 

Do you believe that it is possible to transform all that no longer serves you?

Not sure which healing modality is right for you? With kindness and compassion, we start exactly where you are: we’ll discuss your intentions, questions, and assess your current physical, mental, and energetic “baseline”.

All of our services are completely customizable to best facilitate the safest and most effective, transformative experience possible. Through continued practice, we are able to fine-tune your experience, resulting in maximum benefit with the ability to effect significant sustainable and exponential transformation.

Record baseline data of interest and compare your before and after observations. Have a medical device or condition you’d like to include in your data? Want to record your sleep or home meditation practice as you continue to work with our modalities? If you are willing to report it, we are willing to record it!

Do you have a mindfulness or meditation practice style that resonates with you more than others? We can take your existing practices such as meditation, art, or journaling and incorporate them into your sessions. We build upon your intuitive wisdom of what your system absorbs best to cultivate an even greater, more targeted spectrum of healing and wellness. In your chosen state of flow, will work together to strengthen the positive pathways you have already established, and continue to shine light on, open to, and become flexible to established negative patterns. With continued practice, we can re-write these negative thoughts and behavior patterns with new foundations. 

Medical Diagnosis timeline: SEEKING TREATMENT FROM 2014-2021

first unexplained neurological symptoms
    • first ER / Neurology exam for symptoms mimicking MS (inconclusive)
Begin Neurology MRI/testing
  • First MRI for unexplained occipital pain and neurological symptoms
Redefine Mental Illness Misdiagnosis
  • begin yoga & health coaching in addition to outpatient treatment program
  • Realization/education/diagnosis of PTSD with dissociation
    • Against the will of my treatment team, I redefined my reality by secretly titrating myself off misprescribed pharmaceuticals, supplementing with holistic tools to heal myself
    • secretly given a copy of the dsm-5 to become my own medical detective/lawyer: proving and defending my hypothesis (misdiagnosis of dissociation as mental illness)
    • use wearable technology (CGM) to validate unstable blood sugar & ptsd are root cause of perceived mood instability
    • validate efficacy of removing pharmaceuticals with positive health results
  • from hypochondriac to affectionately dubbed 'dr huyser' by my medical team after successfully changing the minds of the treatment staff: proving misdiagnosis and achieving mutual respect/collaborative care
february - march 2018
intuitive red flags signal i have outgrown what this program can offer
april 2018
the courage to leave dangerous & ineffective treatment
follow flow of yoga and mindfulness
  • Continuing To Seek (Additional) Effective Treatment Solutions For PTSD &
    Rebuild Independence
april - august 2019
first Lucia N03 Experience
september - december 2019
first TransTech Conference (Exhibiting & Speaker)
  • co-found bay area light collective
february 2020

to validate Lucia n03 safety & efficacy using US populations

  • launch connections to potential clinical research (/lab access)
march 2020
june 2020
ER/MRI/Testing for paralysis & Symptom Relapse
June 2020
Rejecting Misdiagnosis pt. 2: Deny Invalidating ER Treatment
  • Even with complete loss of pelvic floor and leg function, I was told by the Department chair of Neurology at UC Davis my symptoms were in my head (but to appease me, we’d order an MRI)
  • I later realized I'd possibly received this medical stigma and invalidation due to UC Davis' outdated patient chart that still read mental illness as the diagnosis.
  • I left the ER denying treatment, not willing to risk covid to stay overnight for the MRIs then, also not confident in this neurology department reading the results after being dismissed.
July 2020 - July 2021
seeking help playing 'specialty Head to Toe bingo' 

 July 2020 - January 2021: Inconclusive Testing &  Continued Invalidation 

  • I was scanned head to toe, seeing essentially every specialist available
    • At this point I could not breathe easily, my body was completely congested with mucus, my heartbeat was irregular and I would frequently lose consciousness, my gait was off, my liver enzymes were elevated, and I could barely walk without pain. My legs had become so swollen, I could barely move without my knees giving out beneath me.
      • Yet 6 months of ultrasounds, labwork, CT scans, more MRIS and x rays, the results continued to be inconclusive.
January 2021
MRI validates Spinal Cord Damage

January 2021:MRI validates Spinal Cord Damage (& paralysis symptoms dismissed from June 2020 ER visit)

  • MRI results validated what I'd been told was 'in my head' since 2015. Now, I was told not only is it real, but the damage also requires spine surgery.
  • Gone wrong, this could have devastating life-lasting consequences.
  • Once again, i was told my symptoms of swelling with toxins, loss of cognition, heart arrhythmia, cognitive impairment, chest pains, and multiple organs essentially malfunctioning, were not real symptoms, but rather just misperceived sensations with no validity for treatment or concern.
  • I was told if I did not accept surgery, I was at risk of paralysis. Yet, my most debilitating symptoms were not explained by the MRI results, nor were they likely to resolve with surgery
February 2021
Reject Misdiagnosis pt. 3: Refusing a Rush to Surgery

& Waiting For A Resonant (Holistic) Treatment Plan

  • I'd rejected UCSF demanding immediate surgery as a result of MRIS taken in Nov. 2020
    • having been ignored when requesting time to balance my nervous system, receive treatment for my PTSD, and stabilize my blood sugar with an insulin pump to ensure I had the best possible outcome with lowest risk of complications
March 2021
(Finally) co-creating A Resonant Holistic Treatment Plan!
  • Stanford agreed with the diagnosis of ('medically impressive') spinal stenosis, and due to damage to the spinal cord (the reason for my symptoms dismissed in July 2020) they agreed I would need a spinal disc fusion surgery
  • I implored them to consider postponing the surgery until after I had the opportunity to regulate my nervous system - as my system was obviously malfunctioning. and I knew my body would not accept an already risky surgery successfully.
  • I give tremendous credit and gratitude to Stanford Neurosurgery because they were the first department to listen to me, agree, and co-create a holistic treatment plan!
    • Though I agreed to consider surgery once I stabilized my system holistically, I have found new hope that I may be able to avoid surgery completely now witnessing the impact of my detoxification and drainage. 
    • with such a rapid turnaround from downhill to results, I have been reminded once again, of our incredible and innate healing ability)  having had no options left but to have faith that a resonant treatment would come, and until then to trust myself & my safe, non-invasive tools!
march 2021
becoming my own healer using intuition + my holistic toolkit
  • after yet another reluctant brief physical from Stanford Neurosurgery Dept. although we had agreed to treat my PTSD/nervous system & stabilize my blood sugar as part of my holistic treatment plan, I was still dismissed as anxious with no explanation beyond my unusual systemic symptoms being in my head, or that I'm wrong, and my stagnant lymph was just weight gain or imagined - I decided to stop seeking help from Western Medicine and trust my intuition & holistic toolkit.
    • I knew we had not found the root cause, because even though they confirmed surgery would be necessary, stanford also said they had no idea why i was experiencing 95% of the symptoms 
  • I successfully replaced hopelessness with effective healing solutions and systemic results!
    • I told my family I could not believe that doing these weird random sequences had actually stopped constricting my airways, and I no longer was struggling to breathe after months of no solutions - incrediblY.
      • I'd later find out from fellow healers that in fact, the 'intuitive movements' I found myself doing were often ancient kriyas, or ancient practices known to promote healing. 
      • My subconscious mind was communicating to me in a conscious (flow) state how to assist my body's healing, and essentially reprogram my manifested trauma held in my nervous system.
  • I'd become so constricted in trauma response + full of toxins that my lymph was in fact pushing my spine and entire skeleton out of alignment)
    • using the Lucia N03 light on my body activated my stagnant lymphatic system and released my contracted (locked) fascia, allowing the (very real) fluids to reabsorb and circulate. 
    • Internally, I used conscious intention with the light in the hypnagogic state to reprogram my physically manifesting trauma response and heal my autonomic nervous system. 
    • I began using the Lucia light (backwards) on my spine. I began visualization meditation healing and aligning my spine. I intentionally reprogrammed the belief that my body was healing itself, and in the hypnagogic state gave my body permission to heal. I asked my subconscious to show me how to heal myself.
    • Externally, the light provided necessary frequency to physically restructure (molecularly,via the water within) my system, to provide necessary cellular energy, promote blood flow, and communicated through my fascia like a superhighway, thus changing the density of the toxins and allowing a reversal of stagnation, promoting reabsorption and circulation.
march 2021
Witnessing Effective Results! (when Western Medicine had given up)
  • Within one week, my pain decreased tremendously to the point I could walk.
    • On walks, I would receive intuitive visualizations or literal voices (I know, sounds crazy, it felt crazy) telling me to breathe in certain ways while tensing certain muscles or pressing on various areas of my body that would suddenly tingle with sensation
    • i have since been able to move fluid from every surface of my body, and finally feel and see my swollen lymph nodes, only after the initial layer of fluids had compressed and become less congested.
  • within two weeks of leaving the 'wild western medicine goose-chase' and instead believing in my ability to heal on my own using my holistic tools, i went from no mobility to doing yoga again; my pain and mobility improved remarkably. 
  • within one month, i began witnessing stunning physical transformations that far exceeded my expectations: (as i had suspected) it was, in fact, my lymph system that was malfunctioning as a result of autonomic dysfunction
    • as you can imagine, this also has allowed me to realign my entire skeleton, and likewise my organs are no longer constricted and are functioning much more efficiently (I use the light over all organs and feel systemic improvement.)
    • Likewise, my cognition is night and day now that my CSF is circulating and I am receiving proper blood flow and oxygen. 
  • As I told my endocrinologist as recently as May 2021: (who, like every specialist I’ve seen, has no suggestions for how our medical system can assist my lymphedema even if they do believe me) “Until you have lymphoma, Western Medicine doesn’t seem to have any resources available to assist me with lymphedema.” She simply replied with, “Yeah! That’s true.
June 2021
the holistic treatment plan that led to my life-changing diagnosis
  • As a result of my holistic treatment plan, I agreed to begin working with the Stanford Trauma Clinic, which I will start in July 2021 (essentially a year after my initial ER episode- that is the pace of the current system.)
    • I have not found effective psychotherapy since leaving my program in 2018, so this is an incredibly promising opportunity (though I also look forward to educating them to Lucia N03, as my intake coordinator disclosed Stanford does not currently offer psychedelic therapy for PTSD due to limited resources and qualified staff. 
    • (During my Stanford Trauma Program Intake,my experience was validated, saying “i cannot tell you how many people are misdiagnosed with mental illness when in reality it is trauma/dissociation, and as a result put on toxic levels of pharmaceuticals.”)
  • As part of my holistic treatment team, a third (90 minute) intake was conducted with the Stanford Neuropsychiatry Dept;
    • their cutting-edge neuroscience and experience probing the intersection of psychiatry + neurology allowed them the confidence & clinical experience to finally identify my accurate diagnosis of FND: the missing glue that connects all my previously 'unexplainable' medical experiences.
    • Now, as a result of a comprehensive and accurate, holistic treatment plan, I was properly identified and am awaiting treatment with an incredibly promising prognosis for recovery
July 2021
The Root Cause of My Dysfunction: FND
  • next steps: Continuing My Holistic Treatment Plan for FND/PTSD At the Stanford Trauma Clinic
    • Stay tuned as I continue to track & validate the efficacy of my holistic tools as I wait for the beginning of my holistic treatment plan at the Stanford Trauma Clinic!
ptsd soldiers SEEKING TREATMENT Timeline: 2017-2021
March 2017
Seeking Treatment (& Transportation) with US Veterans
February 2018
veteran denied treatment as a result of PTSD gaslighting and injustice
march 2018
Veteran Shooting at Yountville VA
March 2018
Divine alignment leads me to Wess & friends from VA​
april 2018
the courage to leave toxic treatment (& believe in myself)
June 2021
FND Diagnosis + Holistic Treatment Plan!
Seeking Treatment (& Transportation) with US Veterans

In order to attend treatment, I was exclusively allowed to carpool with all veterans that attended our program, as I did not have a driver’s license or transportation options; this provided hours of additional time together in traffic daily driving to and from the Yountville VA. We trusted each other intimately because we were two traumatized peas of the same suffering and misunderstood pod. Like soldiers, we were bonded by the battle of seeking treatment. 

VA patient and close friend (their only ally) was gaslit blatantly by another patient.
  • When the incident happened, I was down the hall speaking with my therapist. We heard the commotion, and he point blank told me: “I am not going to respond, I don’t feel like dealing with it.”
  • Ultimately, Michael was unjustly blamed, arrested, and kicked out of treatment, for throwing a patient’s binder when she completely provoked him by calling him a pedophile for no reason other than to hurt and anger him
    • …and it worked, which unfortunately is often the case. I myself have been arrested as a result of being gaslit – it is a setup for failure when our diagnosis defines us as hypervigilant, with a dysregulated trauma response (a nervous system in extreme fight-flight-freeze mode with a fragile fuse.)
Veteran Shooting at Yountville VA​

a disgruntled yountville va program participant seeks deadly revenge on his treatment staff, just as michael had fantasized before being (wrongfully) terminated from our program, – just as my treatment staff had done, their program marginalized, and suppressed this patient

  • THIS was the red flag I needed, and I hoped it would incentivize my program to take me seriously when I warned after Michael’s incident just weeks before: you cannot treat traumatized people seeking healing this way without homicidal or suicidal results
  • That day, I asked the universe to align me and my purpose moving forward with an opportunity to be of service to veterans, to support my suffering brothers (including Michael) who all were traumatized by the active hostage shooting
  • That day, without knowing what I would do next, I decided my intuition was telling me to leave the program: that it was legitimately more unsafe to continue treatment in a program I had outgrown, (as I was refusing pharmaceuticals, the only resource in constant supply, in substitute of processing my trauma, an extremely limited resource) and to trust the work I’d done would be enough to restart a new life, leaving the suppressive, abusive, and broken mental health system in search of effective treatment options. 
    • The event hit so close to home, my family, who feared me leaving treatment, supported listening to my intuition and setting a graduation date. 
Divine alignment leads me to Wess & friends from VA​
  • The very next day, I met a veteran outside of the program named Wess (selling a car I’d bought…it’s own side story) who had just moved out of the Yountville VA. Incredibly, he was looking at my car with, to my knowledge, Michael’s only real friend at the VA! They were blowing off steam and celebrating being released from lockdown during the VA shooting. 
  • Though he didn’t buy the car, I spent that entire day with them both, sharing that I was in treatment for PTSD and honored to share my treatment with so many of their veterans, and express my horror for what had happened just the day before. 
  • Again, we immediately bonded, and Wess felt this was Divine alignment just as I did. He took me under his wing, and in addition to helping me sell my car:
    • we became like grandfather-granddaughter, and he gave me the final courage to officially tell the program I was setting a graduation date and moving on to safer pastures.
the courage to leave toxic treatment and believe in myself​
  • Though Wess has since passed due to many medical complications, he and I both openly shared that we felt we had been sent to each other. My only regret is not spending more time with him daily; we kept each other up to date on our health, taking care of appointments in Napa, and he even lent me his Subaru for a while. We didn’t get to build a Harley motorcycle as planned, but he took me on rides and we rode in pure freedom, the first time for both of us in many years. 
    • He was the answer to my prayer asking to be of service to veterans after the 2018 shooting, and he is my driving dedication to bringing Lucia N03 to serve the veteran community.
Repeat of History: VA Shooting Scare​
  • February 2021, I was met with an oddly specific and triggering text regarding PTSD & my connection to veterans – it correlates directly to a pivotal turning point in my story: a shared consciousness flashback of the 2018 shooting that served as my catalyst to seek solutions for PTSD and opportunities to serve the veterans that are in such severe need of effective treatment 


  • Having spread my wings from the treatment program I’d exhausted, I was led on my soul’s path to true purpose: divinely aligning with the exact tools and techniques to treat my ultimate diagnosis: FND. Likewise, these validated, safe, effective treatment options are equally as perfect for the veteran community in need as they are for an FND patient like myself.


Mindfulness-based meditation practices change our brain chemistry and structure of the brain. The core principle of a mindfulness practice becoming the non-judgmental observer, so that we may act mindfully, responding vs. reacting grounded in the present moment. The nature of human consciousness struggles to quiet the mind, however with effective practice, we learn to observe our arising thoughts, feelings, and projections. We may then choose to be present to what we identify as in alignment with our core value system. In this way, mindfulness-based practices have been scientifically validated to actually sculpt our neural network, strengthening connections to the thoughts and feelings we intentionally cultivate. An untrained mind will also sculpt it’s neural networks based on our repeated behaviors, be them beneficial or detrimental. 

Ritual and practice become vehicles to establish repetition – an opportunity to strengthen pathways in the brain. The more you practice, the more you strengthen these intentionally formed neural connection, directly influencing your brain’s neural connectivity and grey matter. 

Your ethical system gives your life meaning and purpose. Our perceived reality is a projection of our deeply rooted belief systems. Our beliefs dictate how we view and interact with the word. By defining your deepest values, you become an active participant in constructing your perception of reality. Your beliefs about yourself and the world will either limit or expand your human experience. Your ethical system dictates how we treat ourselves and our communities. To have the most coherent relationship with ourselves and with each other, we must be willing to evaluate our most highly valued beliefs, and determine if they are aligned with our highest intentions. 

Spirituality & mindfulness have been referred to as naughty “S&M” words of less consciousness-based communities. I implore you to redefine spirituality as your deepest inner value system, upon which you sculpt your reality. These holistic approaches are of benefit for anyone who is seeking the ability to shift your perspective, change how you see the world, and quiet the mind.

define lucid holistics

illuminating consciousness using ancient practice + modern technology.

We are all beings of unlimited potential, and you can teach your ancient brain new tricks; the key to personal autonomy lies both within and without. By safely accessing altered states of consciousness and optimal flow states, we can personalize non-invasive tools and practices that illuminate and clarify consciousness, connecting to both inner consciousness (intuition) and a greater connection to communal unified (source) consciousness. 

Just as the body miraculously heals a cut, our system is like an heirloom instrument – beautifully unique and able to become out of tune. By bringing our system to deeply meditative states, we encourage neuroplasticity by activating multiple areas of the brain simultaneously. The key to unlocking your unlimited potential lies in tuning in to your intuitive wisdom and intentionally customizing your experience with modalities that meet you exactly where you are on your path to optimal wellness.

ancient practices

modern technology

modern technology

hypnagogic technology

Lucia N°03

A substance-free ‘techdelic’ using nothing but sound + flickering white light to gently bring you into a deeply meditative state.

Lucia N°03​

Like any mindfulness based practice, Lucia N°03 hypnagogic technology creates an opportunity to cultivate awareness for where you are right now, and plant seeds of intention for what you are becoming.

Technology can be used as a transformative tool to illuminate consciousness and elevate human potential. Our technology is in tune with the wisdom of nature, working on cellular, energetic, and unconscious levels to activate your highest potential, and artistically open a psychedelic portal to your inner consciousness.

Lucia N°03 is a substance-free experience that safely alters your state of consciousness by speaking the language of your cells: light and frequency.

As the field of biophotonics is confirming, our cells respond positively to natural sunlight. Unfortunately, we frequently spend more time looking at harmful technology screens and in poor indoor lighting. Lucia N°03 uses a combination of 8 LEDs and 1 powerful halogen bulb to accurately replicate the sun’s natural balanced wide-spectrum visible and thermal light essential for optimal wellness, as well as regulating our circadian rhythm and many other cellular functions. Read more about the benefits of wide-spectrum white light and Lucia N°03 here.

Each individual has a unique natural rhythm, and likewise our energy shifts continuously. The Lucia N°03 experience is an invitation for you to hone your intuition, and connect to the wisdom within. All you have to do is close your eyes, and allow the light in. Lucia N°03’s combination of solid (halogen) and flickering (LED) light stimulates the optic nerve through closed eyelids, inducing a rhythmic driving response to intermittent photic stimulation (IPS), effectively tuning your brainwaves to an optimal state of flow and fully relaxing the nervous system using harmonic frequencies.

Like any mindfulness based practice, Lucia N°03 hypnagogic technology is an opportunity to cultivate awareness for where you are right now, and plant seeds of intention for what you are becoming. However, it can be difficult to cease the internal monologue and truly access the potential depths available in a meditative state of relaxation. It is understood that our conscious waking mind only accounts for about 5% of our brain’s activity; 95% of our brain activity is derived from the unconscious mind, where many of our negative beliefs and deeply programmed patterns are formed and reinforced automatically. Our technology is able to gently relax your consciousness into the hypnagogic state – the state experienced as our brainwave state shifts from alpha to theta, and is associated with lucid dreaming and unlocking the subconscious mind. Lucia N°03 provides an opportunity to shift us into an open and receptive state of plasticity, where new neural connections are formed and we can more deeply access and release energy blocks manifested and programmed in our system. Read more about photic driving and the hypnagogic state here. Read the study “EEG Functional Connectivity and Phenomenology of Induced Dissociative States”.

The Lucia N°03 experience brings your system back to baseline: using sound and light to gently entrain your brainwaves from disorganized and chaotic to synchronized and harmonic. We find examples of ancient practices that harmonize our brainwaves such as chanting and instruments such as singing bowls. You can see evidence of organized, harmonic brainwaves below:

before Lucia N°03 experience

before Lucia N°03

after Lucia N°03 experience


NEUROPSYCHOLYSIS is the study of a “non-pharmacological” altered state, vs psycholysis, which is the study of psychedelic substances.


The power of psychedelic substances is being examined and approved by the FDA for various mental and physical treatments, such as depression and PTSD. Lucia N°03 is not a medical device used to treat disorders or disease, but it is an opportunity to experience a psychedelic experience, without ingesting any substances. Our technology’s effects are comparable to “microdosing on light” – with many of the same physical and neurological benefits sought after with psychedelic use such as simultaneous activation of many areas of the brain, encouraging new neural connections and neural plasticity in the default mode network, and reprogramming our stress-response through exposure to deep relaxation and transformative experience. Lucia N°03 can be used very successfully as a preparation or integration tool in conjunction with psychedelic experiences.

David Schwartzman from the University of Sussex in the UK confirmed that deep experiences and neural connectivity in conjunction with psychedelics (specifically psilocybin) are essentially the same when it comes to optical neurostimulation (through Lucia N°03). 


The two essential differences between psycholysis and neuropsycholysis are:

1. Optical neurostimulation with Lucia N°03 vs. ingestion of a substance

(The user is only “ingesting” light and sound, no substance or organic compounds.)

2. The altered states of consciousness can be directly influenced (through individual choice) or interrupted by the light guide, which enables a direct (and highly relevant therapeutic) interaction with clients throughout the entire experience

(The user or light guide can literally turn off the experience as need)

Your First Lucia N°03 Experience

balancing what to expect and letting go of expectations


Preparing before your session: We invite you to fully experience the power of intention by taking a few moments before your session to ground yourself and consider your intention for your first Lucia N°03 experience, in forms such as meditation, mantra, or journaling. The energy that we bring in to the session is important, so it is best to rest your body well the night before and drink plenty of water before and after your session to hydrate the system and promote the most cellular receptivity to your experience. If you have a particular music selection that you find calming, such as meditation music or classical selections, we invite you to make this experience your own – only considering songs that do not contain lyrics or other conflicting distractions such as binaural beats. Clothes worn to your session should be easy to relax in.


Tune In

Your light guide will position you beneath the Lucia N°03 and begin with a few conscious breaths, music, and an opportunity for intention setting. We begin with a 2 minute light session demo on the gentle setting. Once complete, we tune in to your experience before either remaining at this intensity or progressing to a stronger setting. Let your intuition be your guide. Communication is encouraged with your light guide as we find the optimal setting for your system.


Let Go

Extended sessions offer a chance for the brain and nervous system to trust the experience, allowing the traveler to let go and fully immerse themselves in the experience. By stimulating the brain with flickering light and music, e experience of synesthesia, or seeing sound, creates NeuroArt – psychedelic fractals and beautiful ornately patterned visualizations – which guide you deeper into your experience. The system is gently and responsibly entrained to the hypnagogic state – an altered state of consciousness associated with lucid thought and dreaming, and key to the subconscious mind. Clear limiting beliefs and effortlessly relax into a state of flow. With repeated Lucia N°03 sessions, we create and strengthen new pathways and by encouraging neural plasticity. Let go of fear, and allow the light in.


Welcome Forward

Slowly bring the awareness back to your body. Invite breath, and allow yourself the gift of pause. Absorb your experience, then in your own time, gently return back. We encourage all travelers to hydrate with lots of water and take time to remain present before picking up your phone or driving. If you feel inspired, ask questions and reflect on your experience, as this may strengthen the new pathways you’ve just created. We also encourage you to observe any subtle (or profound) shifts in thought, creativity, clarity, perception, or energy through the remainder of your day and week after your Lucia N°03 session through practices such as journaling, meditation, or connecting with nature. We recommend repeating sessions 1-3 times a week to most effectively relax, restore, and reprogram the system, with a minimum of 6 sessions to see substantial effective stress response and neural reprogramming.

The Lucia N°03 hypnagogic light machine is not a medical treatment or therapeutic device. You have unlimited potential, and are already perfect – and every system or instrument can become out of tune. Perhaps consider your mental and physical systems as an instrument; we can view health as the system operating in complete harmony, like a well-tuned instrument, and illness as a disruption to the system’s natural resonant vibration. Lucia N°03 hypnagogic technology is responsibly programmed to gently guide your system into a harmonic state. Stepping back into a state where you can access wellbeing can assist in letting go of any imbalances that may be expressed in your energetic, emotional, astral or physical body. 

CAUTION: Lucia N°03 is not suggested for anyone who has a history of seizure response to stroboscopic simulation or photic sensitivity induced epilepsy. If you are unsure, please consult a neurologist who can issue an EEG test to confirm you do not have abnormal response to intermittent photic stimulation.

Reported Benefits Include:

– deep relaxation

– feelings of bliss

– increased focus

– creation of new neural pathways and neuroplasticity

– higher creativity and problem solving

– increased clarity and intuition

– increased sense of connectedness and unity

– improved circadian rhythm

– spiritual and astral travels

– decalcification of the pineal gland

– improved physical healing

– improved hormone regulation

– decreased stress and anxiety

– improved ability to enter flow states

– decreased rumination

– increased ease of meditation and other mindfulness practices

While one session can offer a chance to shift perspective and experience the profound depths of a meditative state, a series of 6 or more extended sessions is recommended by the inventors of Lucia N°03 for more substantial neural and stress-response nervous system reprogramming.

modern technology



How humans are radiating energy like lightbulbs, and our innate cellular response to different forms of frequency.
light icon


View my presentation from

Frequency Medicine Summit

July 18, 2020

An event focused on the emerging space of vibrational medicine.

view slides here or video above (presentation is first 15 minutes of video)

modern technology

wearable revolution


Supporting personal resilience and holistic autonomy

wearable iconbr


The role of our ‘techdelic’ in assisting responsible implementation

and sustainable expansion of ketamine assisted therapy

& the psychedelic renaissance


view (non-psychedelic) research & clinical applications deck
view (psychedelic) 'techdelic' research & clinical applications deck

Technology can be used as a transformative tool to illuminate consciousness and elevate human potential. Our technology is in tune with the wisdom of nature, working on cellular, energetic, and unconscious levels to activate your highest potential, and artistically open a psychedelic portal to your inner consciousness.

Lucia N°03 is a substance-free experience that safely alters your state of consciousness by speaking the language of your cells: light and frequency.

As the field of biophotonics is confirming, our cells respond positively to natural sunlight. Unfortunately, we frequently spend more time looking at harmful technology screens and in poor indoor lighting. Lucia N°03 uses a combination of 8 LEDs and 1 powerful halogen bulb to accurately replicate the sun’s natural balanced wide-spectrum visible and thermal light essential for optimal wellness, as well as regulating our circadian rhythm and many other cellular functions. Read more about the benefits of wide-spectrum white light and Lucia N°03 here.

Each individual has a unique natural rhythm, and likewise our energy shifts continuously. The Lucia N°03 experience is an invitation for you to hone your intuition, and connect to the wisdom within. All you have to do is close your eyes, and allow the light in. Lucia N°03’s combination of solid (halogen) and flickering (LED) light stimulates the optic nerve through closed eyelids, inducing a rhythmic driving response to intermittent photic stimulation (IPS), effectively tuning your brainwaves to an optimal state of flow and fully relaxing the nervous system using harmonic frequencies.

Like any mindfulness based practice, Lucia N°03 hypnagogic technology is an opportunity to cultivate awareness for where you are right now, and plant seeds of intention for what you are becoming. However, it can be difficult to cease the internal monologue and truly access the potential depths available in a meditative state of relaxation. It is understood that our conscious waking mind only accounts for about 5% of our brain’s activity; 95% of our brain activity is derived from the unconscious mind, where many of our negative beliefs and deeply programmed patterns are formed and reinforced automatically.

Our technology is able to gently relax your consciousness into the hypnagogic state – the state experienced as our brainwave state shifts from alpha to theta, and is associated with lucid dreaming and unlocking the subconscious mind. Lucia N°03 provides an opportunity to shift us into an open and receptive state of plasticity, where new neural connections are formed and we can more deeply access and release energy blocks manifested and programmed in our system. Read more about photic driving and the hypnagogic state here. Read the study “EEG Functional Connectivity and Phenomenology of Induced Dissociative States”.


The Lucia N°03 experience brings your system back to baseline: using sound and light to gently entrain your brainwaves from disorganized and chaotic to synchronized and harmonic. We find examples of ancient practices that harmonize our brainwaves such as chanting and instruments such as singing bowls. You can see evidence of organized, harmonic brainwaves below:

before Lucia N°03 experience

before Lucia N°03

after Lucia N°03 experience


Your First Lucia N°03 Experience

balancing what to expect and letting go of expectations

Preparing before your session: We invite you to fully experience the power of intention by taking a few moments before your session to ground yourself and consider your intention for your first Lucia N°03 experience, in forms such as meditation, mantra, or journaling. The energy that we bring in to the session is important, so it is best to rest your body well the night before and drink plenty of water before and after your session to hydrate the system and promote the most cellular receptivity to your experience. If you have a particular music selection that you find calming, such as meditation music or classical selections, we invite you to make this experience your own – only considering songs that do not contain lyrics or other conflicting distractions such as binaural beats. Clothes worn to your session should be easy to relax in.

Tune In

Your light guide will position you beneath the Lucia N°03 and begin with a few conscious breaths, music, and an opportunity for intention setting. We begin with a 2 minute light session demo on the gentle setting. Once complete, we tune in to your experience before either remaining at this intensity or progressing to a stronger setting. Let your intuition be your guide. Communication is encouraged with your light guide as we find the optimal setting for your system.

Let Go

Extended sessions offer a chance for the brain and nervous system to trust the experience, allowing the traveler to let go and fully immerse themselves in the experience. By stimulating the brain with flickering light and music, e experience of synesthesia, or seeing sound, creates NeuroArt – psychedelic fractals and beautiful ornately patterned visualizations – which guide you deeper into your experience. The system is gently and responsibly entrained to the hypnagogic state – an altered state of consciousness associated with lucid thought and dreaming, and key to the subconscious mind. Clear limiting beliefs and effortlessly relax into a state of flow. With repeated Lucia N°03 sessions, we create and strengthen new pathways and by encouraging neural plasticity. Let go of fear, and allow the light in.

Welcome Forward

slowly bring the awareness back to your body. Invite breath, and allow yourself the gift of pause. Absorb your experience, then in your own time, gently return back. We encourage all travelers to hydrate with lots of water and take time to remain present before picking up your phone or driving. If you feel inspired, ask questions and reflect on your experience, as this may strengthen the new pathways you’ve just created. We also encourage you to observe any subtle (or profound) shifts in thought, creativity, clarity, perception, or energy through the remainder of your day and week after your Lucia N°03 session through practices such as journaling, meditation, or connecting with nature. We recommend repeating sessions 1-3 times a week to most effectively relax, restore, and reprogram the system, with a minimum of 6 sessions to see substantial effective stress response and neural reprogramming.

The Lucia N°03 hypnagogic light machine is not a medical treatment. You have unlimited potential, and are already perfect – we are simply shining a light on what can become overshadowed in daily (unconscious) life. Perhaps consider your mental and physical systems as an instrument; we can view health as the system operating in complete harmony, like a well-tuned instrument, and illness as a disruption to the system’s natural resonant vibration. Lucia N°03 hypnagogic technology is responsibly programmed to gently guide your system into a harmonic state. Stepping back into a state where you can access wellbeing can assist in letting go of any imbalances that may be expressed in your energetic, emotional, astral or physical body. 

CAUTION: Lucia N°03 is not suggested for anyone who has a history of seizure response to stroboscopic simulation or photic sensitivity induced epilepsy. If you are unsure, please consult a neurologist who can issue an EEG test to confirm you do not have abnormal response to intermittent photic stimulation.

Reported Benefits Include:

– deep relaxation

– feelings of bliss

– increased focus

– creation of new neural pathways and neuroplasticity

– higher creativity and problem solving

– increased clarity and intuition

– increased sense of connectedness and unity

– improved circadian rhythm

– spiritual and astral travels

– decalcification of the pineal gland

– improved physical healing

– improved hormone regulation

– decreased stress and anxiety

– improved ability to enter flow states

– decreased rumination

– increased ease of meditation and other mindfulness practices

While one session can offer a chance to shift perspective and experience the profound depths of a meditative state, a series of 6 or more extended sessions is recommended by the inventors of Lucia N°03 for more substantial neural and stress-response nervous system reprogramming.

NEUROPSYCHOLYSIS is the study of a “non-pharmacological” altered state, vs psycholysis, which is the study of psychedelic substances.

The power of psychedelic substances is being examined and approved by the FDA for various mental and physical treatments, such as depression and PTSD. Lucia N°03 is not a medical device used to treat disorders or disease, but it is an opportunity to experience a psychedelic experience, without ingesting any substances. Our technology’s effects are comparable to “microdosing on light” – with many of the same physical and neurological benefits sought after with psychedelic use such as simultaneous activation of many areas of the brain, encouraging new neural connections and neural plasticity in the default mode network, and reprogramming our stress-response through exposure to deep relaxation and transformative experience. Lucia N°03 can be used very successfully as a preparation or integration tool in conjunction with psychedelic experiences.

David Schwartzman from the University of Sussex in the UK confirmed that deep experiences and neural connectivity in conjunction with psychedelics (specifically psilocybin) are essentially the same when it comes to optical neurostimulation (through Lucia N°03).

The two essential differences between psycholysis and neuropsycholysis are:

1. Optical neurostimulation with Lucia N°03 vs. ingestion of a substance (The user is only “ingesting” light and sound, no substance or organic compounds.

2. The altered states of consciousness can be directly influenced (through individual choice) or interrupted by the light guide, which enables a direct (and highly relevant therapeutic) interaction with clients throughout the entire experience

(The user or light guide can literally turn off the experience as need)

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