ancient practices


intention Setting & the Subconscious mind

Our conscious mind takes up only 5% of our mind’s activity; my mission is to illuminate you to the potential of what lies beneath the surface of ‘consciousness’ in the untapped 95% – where we may plant seeds of intention in the fertile soil of the subconscious mind.


We create our perceived reality, rooted in atuomatic thought. Transformation is a creative process that starts within – it starts exactly as you are, with the conscious decision to believe in your vision of your future. By accessing the subconscious mind, we re-write the software that is running our ‘programmed reality.’

We can rewrite our software to align with our highest intentions. We can retrain our ancient brains to learn new tricks: to rewrite what no longer serves us, and to shift inward accessing our higher intelligence – the intuitive knowing of the unconscious mind, for the answers we seek instead of looking outside of yourself.

intention setting
